
The Camp

Building real relationships with our customers is one of the most special parts of running a small business. This past Sunday, August 14, at The Makers Hive pop-up, we were able to connect with old and new friends to share our passion for delicious honey and saving the bees! 

It was a bright and sunny morning at The CAMP outdoor shopping mall in Costa Mesa, CA as our Being Bees team set up our station for the day. Surrounded by excited sellers and serenaded by live music created a fun and welcoming environment as the shoppers began shuffling through the booths. 

With a whole crew of family and friends to support, we were ready to sell some honey! We like to gift our customers with a free honey stick when they stop by the booth. With our nine different variants to choose from, shoppers had a tough decision to make. It seems that with each new crowd, we have a new fan-favorite. This Sunday, our sweet and earthy blueberry variant sourced from Washington State proved to be the most popular. 

We talked to one shopper visiting California from the UK who was able to share some of her insight with us. Loving the large sample that comes in the honey stick, she said she doesn’t see anything like it at home! A self-proclaimed honey lover, she was excited to see a honey booth at the event and like many others, she gave the blueberry variant a shot. Enjoying her sample and chats with our team, she was excited to grab a business card and spread the buzz about Being Bees! 

There’s nothing like meeting new customers, but we always love to see some returning supporters! Talking to a Being Bees veteran shopper, she explained that she was so excited to see us this Sunday because she needs to restock her honey supply. We are always interested in learning how people use our products and it was so fun to hear that she and her family have started using Beings Bees honey as a sugar alternative. In teas and cakes, she said, this honey makes for a delicious and healthier option! 

Before the day closed out, we got to chat with another out-of-town shopper from Minnesota. He expressed to us that he is not usually a huge honey consumer because he isn’t typically a tea drinker. After sampling the eucalyptus honey stick and hearing some pairing recommendations from our staff and friends, he is excited to try new ways to incorporate honey into his diet. Heading off to college soon, this customer is going to bring a jar of the herbal and caramelly eucalyptus honey to pair deliciously with savory cheeses and his morning coffee. 

As you can see, creating these bonds with our customers and getting to know them face-to-face brings us so much joy! Pop-ups are a great way for us to get our name out there and to spread this passion that we have for Being Bees and its mission. If you missed us this time, we will be at the Modern Makers Mart at Woodbury Town Center in Irvine this Saturday, September 10. See you there! 

being bees team
Paige Bullman

being bees honey - the camp

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